Nature's Security Guard: Pistol Shrimp and Goby Fish

Nature's Security Guard: Pistol Shrimp and Goby Fish


Within our oceans, specifically coral reef ecosystems, there exists a mutually symbiotic relationship between pistol shrimp and goby fish. Pistol shrimp are named for their ability to produce a loud sound through the snapping of their large claws. Although they have large claws, they are still vulnerable to lurking predators, which is why their relationship to goby fish has evolved.

Pistol shrimp live in burrows that they dig in the sand on the ocean floor that they must constantly upkeep due to the sand caving in with the circulation of water. Because they are constantly busy repairing and remodelling their home, and because they are near-blind, they do not have the ability to watch their surroundings for danger.

This is where the goby fish comes in. The goby fish serves as somewhat of a security guard for the pistol shrimp. While the pistol shrimp is busy maintaining its burrow, the goby fish hovers outside the burrow scanning for danger. The shrimp keeps its long antennae touching the goby fish as often as possible so when the goby fish identifies a lurking danger, the shrimp is alerted so it can retreat deep within its burrow.

While the pistol shrimp benefits from having a security guard, the goby fish benefits by having a burrow to stay in to escape dangers. The pistol shrimp allows the goby to live in its burrow because of its services of protection.


What We Can Learn

While this mutually beneficial relationship in the animal kingdom is still self-serving in nature, this sort of behavior translated towards beings of higher consciousness would translate to Love. For us humans, community resilience is important for us in maintaining our collective wellbeing for us to prosper and advance our happiness.

In our own communities, it should be the duty of every member to protect and defend their neighbors from potential dangers. Those individuals who give their energy in protecting their communities can be honored and respected through the giving of other services in return, such as food and shelter.

Women and children especially need to be protected and defended, and there is no better way to express Love than to ensure that they have a safe world to express themselves in.