Part 5 - Energy

Everything that one needs to understand about energy in regards to the polarity of consciousness can be learned from the Yin Yang symbol out of Taoism. It is likely that just about everybody reading this will have come across the symbol at some point in their lives. I echo the words of Mark Passio in regards to this dynamic, and his words deserve to be quoted in full:

“A mystical concept derived from Taoism that is extremely relevant in a study of the workings of human Consciousness is the idea of the Tao, a balance of polar energies inherent in all Nature. Taoist tradition teaches that if we are able to strike a balance between these polar forces, and harmonize these two competing polarities within ourselves, justice and order will result within and around us. Falling prey to a perpetual imbalance of these energies would result in the experience of suffering and chaotic conditions. This makes perfect sense when we understand the properties of these polar energies.

To do this, let's begin by analyzing the basic symbolism of the Tao symbol. It is comprised of a circle, inside of which are two inter-locking swirls, one light and one dark. Inside each swirl is a smaller dot which is the opposite color of the swirl itself. The circle represents all of Creation. A circle is never-ending. It has no beginning or end. It is a perfect shape, as it has no corners, rough edges, angle, or irregularities. Thus it represents God, or Creation itself, the All-That-Is.

The two swirls represent change, of which all Creation is comprised. All that exists is in a constant state of change. All matter passes from form to form in an endless dance of Creation. Life itself is change. Inability to change is the equivalent of death and non-existence. Therefore the two swirls inside the circle represent this ever-changing dance of matter taking place within the whole of Creation. The two dots within each swirl represents the idea that, no matter how deeply into one polarity or the other we may travel, the seed of the opposite energy is always carried within each polarity.”

Apathy vs. Empathy (Care)

Seed of Life.jpg

The image above is an ancient mystical symbol called the Seed of Life. The Seed of Life is a representation of the seven Universal Laws, the seven standard colors, and the seven standard musical notes. As a symbol of Creation, it is a manifestation of the pure, white light that emanates out into the Universe. All the colors when merged together reform this brilliant, white light. Seeds are intelligent blueprints of Life, waiting to ripen at just the right time when the conditions are perfect. Just like seeds, consciousness blooms and blossoms if properly nurtured.

The seven circles fit perfectly inside another larger circle which encompasses them all. This circle represents the principle of Care. In order for the seed of consciousness to grow and expand, one needs to devote Care into its development. This Care comes with honoring Natural Law, much like the casing of a seed protects the seed from external influences that seek to keep it dormant. If one intends to grow and evolve to the next level, then one needs to put mindful practice into the nurturing of the seed within.

Because we are all creating our reality together, the people who put their energy into what they care about the most will be most involved in the creation of our reality. Whether somebody has good intentions or bad intentions, the amount of Care they put into the works they are producing will be reflected into the material plane. Those who are apathetic towards protecting our planet and helping their fellow humans are essentially giving up their creative power. The forces of Creation only reflect back the energy one puts into committing to action.

Empathy is the ability to see, understand, and feel the perspective of another person. Somebody who is empathetic does not wish suffering on any living being because they themselves do not wish to experience suffering. In order to alleviate this suffering, a certain amount of Care is required to take up action to better the condition of humanity as a whole. To not do so would be to remain a dormant seed plunged in the depths of dry soil waiting for somebody else to do the work that needs to be done.

Spiritual Currencies


The two spiritual currencies that we possess in the material plane are time and attention. While time does not exist in the realm of Spirit, it has an important role to fill in regards to our evolution. Together, what we invest our time and attention in gives us something back in return be it knowledge, understanding, skills, expertise, and empowerment.

How are you spending your time?

What are you paying attention to?

Every single day we have the opportunity to use our energy to do good things, to do bad things, or to do nothing at all. This applies to both our personal lives as well as the actions we perform that affect all of humanity and the planet. Every action that we perform is met by the Universe with a reflection into the entire material plane. To do nothing at all while there is so much suffering in the world is taking your spiritual gifts for granted.

Are you using your unique talents and gifts to help inspire, encourage, and empower your fellow humans? Are you engaging yourself in information that is based upon Truth, and are you applying that information in a way that helps to alleviate global suffering? These are things that we all must reflect upon, and it is up to each and every one of us to spend our energy wisely.



People shy away from the word “magic” out of either a fear-based mentality because of its misappropriated meaning, or because of their rigid skepticism in refusing to believe that we have the power to influence our reality. Magic is considered occulted (hidden), because the power we hold as co-creators has been forgotten by human consciousness for thousands of years. All of the indigenous peoples of the world know and understand the power each and every one of us holds in regards to influencing the reality around us.

So what exactly is magic?

It does not need to be complicated…at all. One could find books upon books upon books describing the mechanics of how it works, but this can lead to unnecessary complication, which ultimately leads to confusion. Your author would define magic as thus:

Magic is the science and art of working with universal energy to influence change in one’s environment in accordance to one’s will.

That is all.

You are a magician whether you like it or not, and whether you believe it or not. And that is a beautiful thing! Every single day through your thoughts, emotions, and actions you bring magic to the world consciously and sub-consciously. The goal is to be mindful of how one expresses their energy so one could use their power of influence consciously so one could manifest the desired results.

Simply smiling at a stranger walking by is an act of magic, because that simple act could influence that stranger in a positive way that could lead that individual to reflect more positivity to those around them throughout the day. This produces a Ripple Effect that spreads throughout the world in ways one cannot readily perceive. We all are influencing one another’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior based upon the energy we express around them.

There are three components of magic that are intrinsically tied to the Trivium method.

Imagination > Intention (heart) > Will

If one wishes to create change in the world, one must first exercise their imagination. Imagination is the ability to visualize greater possibilities than what the current condition reflects. It comes from our thought processes, which are fueled by what knowledge we possess. When visualizing a desired outcome, the next step is to create in intention to fuel the thought. This is done with our emotional processing, and requires focus and concentration enough to be certain of who your desires will affect, how it will affect them, and what the potential consequences may be. Then in order to bring this desire to fruition, one must utilize their Will to perform the necessary actions in the material world to bring about this change.

A positive change in the world requires a positive vision, positive emotions, and positive actions that seek to inspire, encourage, and empower those around you.

There are five Universal elements that are all aspects of our consciousness. If one is going to be effective in manifesting positive change in the world, then all of these elements need to be understood and mastered. They need to be balanced and in unity.

The four elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are the spiritual mirrors of the physical elements that make up the material world. The elements of Air and Fire use symbols that are upward-pointing triangles, because they are Masculine in nature (active). The elements of Earth and Water use symbols that are downward-pointing triangles, because they are Feminine in nature (passive).

The element of Air is the aspect of our consciousness involved in logic and intellect, which are lofty and rise high up into the Mental Plane.

The element of Fire is the aspect of our consciousness involved in passion, Will, and courage, which burn inside of us to inspire us to take action.

The element of Earth is the aspect of our consciousness involved in our unique talents and characteristics, which determine what contributions we make to the world as a perfectly unique being.

The element of Water is the aspect of our consciousness involved in emotion, intuition, and creativity, which are fluid and allow us to feel empathy in regards to the potential consequences of our behavior in the world.

All four of these elements are under command of the element of Spirit. Spirit, or Ether is the divine spark within us all to serve Natural Law and bring about Truth, Love, and Freedom for peace and unity with humanity.



The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” There are seven primary chakras which exist within our spiritual body that overlays our physical body. They are the spiritual mirror to the endocrine glands within our physical body, which are responsible for the regulation of hormones and chemicals that keep us balanced and healthy. The chakras are located along our spinal cord, and each one reflects one of the seven colors of the rainbow. The first chakra is at the base of the spine and the seventh chakra is at the crown of our head.

The functionality of our chakras is to maintain energetic balance while existing within the material plane. Each chakra governs a specific role in regards to our consciousness and evolutionary development. The goal of every person is to align their chakras in perpetual balance, giving vitality to both their physical body as well as their mental/emotional wellbeing. The work of each individual requires transmuting their base desires, which are reflected in the lowest chakra of the color red, to higher enlightenment reflected in the highest chakra of the color violet. This is where the phrase “turning lead into gold” comes from. Materially speaking, lead is heavy and dense, while gold is malleable and bright.

It is impossible to touch upon every aspect of each chakra in such a short description, so it is up to the individual to explore the deeper meanings through the plethora of resources available. Our chakras are the “rainbow bridge” that is mentioned throughout many spiritual traditions. When one mindfully works in balancing their chakras through careful mental introspection, emotional cleansing, and physical self-care, one allows the chakras to spin freely without any energetic blockages. This process opens one up the infinite source of Light (information) that feeds our consciousness greater spiritual awareness, and thereby awakening greater creative power within the material plane.

Green is the color of balance


Green is the color of balance.

Nature produces the color green in most abundance in this world. Plants absorb every single color, but reflect the color green for the material senses to pick up and register. It is no coincidence that we derive most of our medicinal products from plants, because ultimately green is the color that nurtures our overall health. Even the animals we consume for our diets are fed plants. Plants have a unique intelligence that give us everything that we need to sustain ourselves in perpetual balance.

The color green is in the very center of the visible light spectrum. There is certainly a mental/emotional healing effect everybody experiences when going for a walk out in nature. Our Heart Chakra is the center of our spiritual body, which maintains the balance between the lower three chakras and the higher three chakras. If the Heart Chakra is in imbalance, then there will be an energetic blockage that prevents our physical body from maintaining balance.

In certain spiritual circles people often talk about raising their vibration, but this is not necessarily accurate. While maintaining a low vibration involves staying stuck in a dense and heavy energetic expression through the color red, maintaining a high vibration leans towards the other extreme through the color blue. Neither the colors red nor blue are the color of balance.

The color red is an intense color that is usually associated with anger, authority, and aggressiveness. Most teachers use a red pen to evaluate and grade assignments, because it has an impact on the human psyche in a way that stimulates anxiety. Blue, conversely, is a calming color that is usually associated with sadness and passivity. The color blue helps to lull people asleep and has an impact on the human psyche in a way that can potentially distract them from taking action. The color green, however, is a balance between the two extremes that leads to a psyche that is in tune with nature, health, vitality, and growth.

Natural Law Expressions (Love vs. Fear)


The above chart needs to be analyzed fully, because it represents how the energy we choose to embrace and express reflects into manifested conditions into the material world. This applies to both the individual as well as the human collective. It is necessary to first expound upon the terms “Monarchy” and “Anarchy.”

The word Monarchy means “One ruler.” Monarchies still exist to this day creating a power differential between the masses of people and those who claim special divine rights to rule over the masses of people. The word “Anarchy” etymologically means “No rulers.” It does NOT mean “No rules.” This is a term that has been heavily misunderstood and misapplied within society. It does not mean "chaos." It simply means that an individual owns their body, and must be responsible for their own behavior. It means that every person is born equal in the world and nobody has legitimate rights that others do not possess.

Internal Monarchy means that an evolved being recognizes their divine sovereignty, and is the one and only ruler of their kingdom within. Internal Anarchy, however, means that an individual has given up their power as ruler over their kingdom within. External Monarchy means that a group of individuals rules over the lives of other people in the material world, thereby taking away their sovereignty as equals. External Anarchy means that people have developed the mental, emotional, and spiritual maturity to recognize their equality and to govern over their own lives and exercise self-responsibility for all of their actions as well as the wellbeing of their communities. In either scenario, both Love and Fear are the deciding factor in how people choose to express their sovereignty in the material plane.

We will discuss sovereignty in further sections, but I will quote Mark Passio’s take on this dynamic in full:

“In his famous experiments with water, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that by placing water in the presence of the "good" Polarity for certain periods of time, then photographing the water molecules under high magnification, the molecules took on a beautiful, harmonious, and orderly arrangement. When he placed the very same water in the presence of the opposing Polarity, or "bad" emotion, the molecule structure broke down and became a chaotic, disorderly mess.

The first Polarity is the force that creates harmony and order, brings Light to the darkness, and expands Consciousness and awareness of Self. It is the Polarity of Love. Love is the good Polarity or emotion, which uplifts humanity in its evolution toward knowledge, wisdom, and Truth. The expansion of Consciousness through Love leads to all the positive states, or "good" feelings, which we are capable of experiencing, including harmony, peace, health, safety, and order.

The second force is the Polarity which creates chaos and destruction in its wake. This Polarity is the force of Fear. Fear is the essence of negative emotion which leads to all other expressions of negativity, or "bad" feelings, which we experience, including hatred, intolerance, insecurity, depression, and a host of others. Fear shuts down Consciousness and perpetually strives to stop the Light of Truth from reaching us and having an effect in our lives.

These two basic Polarities of the essence of all other feelings and experiences. In every moment, we are choosing the experience of either Love or Fear, through our own Free Will.

Each of these Polarities have an internal manifestation and an external manifestation. This means that each Polarity expresses itself within an individual's Consciousness in a certain way. Upon having reached this internal manifestation, each Polarity then reaches a stage of fulfillment in the external world of the individual.

Let's look at the internal manifestations first.

The internal manifestation of Love occurs when the essence of this Polarity has reached its full expression within an individual. This state of Consciousness could be referred to as Self-Love, or Balance. This individual has united his or her Self through Will and self-control. I refer to this expression of Love as Dominion, for the individual has obtained the state of rulership of his or her own base instincts and is operating out of a healed and balanced mode of Consciousness. A being in a state of Dominion rules the Kingdom of the self. This type of rulership is real, it is not an Illusion, for it has been created by an act of Will. Dominion is, therefore, true Self-Love.

The internal manifestation of the Polarity of Fear occurs when Fear has invaded the Consciousness of an individual. It then immediately begins to destroy that being's capacity to recognize patterns and formulate effective responses. This state of unconsciousness is known as Confusion. Confusion is the highest manifestation of Fear that occurs within an individual being. Confusion is the exact opposite state as Dominion, for when people become confused, they are owned by their own emotional turbulence and imbalance. They are not in Dominion, for they can never rule the Kingdom of self while in a state of Confusion. As such, Confusion is the beginning of the destruction of the Self.

Now let's examine the external manifestations of Love and Fear.

When Love, or in other words, expanded states of awareness resulting in Dominion, has achieved its fullest expression within a group of individuals, a condition results in the external world around them. This condition is the highest expression that Love attains in the external realm of the individual. This condition is Freedom. Freedom is the highest attainment of the spiritual quest. The quest for Freedom and the quest for the Divine are one and the same. Any so-called spiritual ideology that does not speak of Freedom in this manner is a false spiritual teaching. Love, Freedom, and the Divine the same thing. Anyone that claims to be a spiritual teacher and doesn't speak to the Truth of that statement is either a charlatan or a liar, or both.

Since the Divine is the embodiment of perfect Love, it must also allow perfect Freedom. This is why there is no direct intercession on the behalf of the Divine in our world. The Will of the Divine for us is no different than our own Will for us. Whatever we wish to create is allowed by the Divine. That is perfect Freedom, and therefore, perfect Love.

The external manifestation of Fear comes into existences once Fear has created Confusion within the Consciousness of the individuals of a society. Individuals who exist in a vibration of Fear and Confusion can not recognize patterns of information around them, for they are not operating from the higher thought functions of the Neocortex of the brain. This part of the brain is shut down, and these type of individuals operate in severely imbalanced states of Consciousness dictated largely by the R-Complex of the brain. Since they are deeply in Fear and greatly confused, they revert to attempting to control event and people around themselves. And thus the descent into Chaos begins. For Control is the highest expression of Fear manifested into external reality. Control is an illusion. It is not actually real, for no one is in fact in control of anything or anyone. Anyone who believes that they are in external control of anyone else are actually in very deep states of illusion. Since Control is based on Confusion and Fear, it leads to nothing but dark and negative emotions and experiences for all individuals who partake in this illusion.

This is simply how Natural Law works. Love (higher Consciousness) leads to Dominion (self-control), which in turn leads to Freedom, which produces more Love and more Consciousness. Fear (the shutdown of Consciousness) leads to Confusion (no pattern-recognition), which in turn leads to the desire to Control, which breeds more Fear and Confusion. Both Polarities build cycles upon themselves. One of the Polarities, Love, is clearly very good for us. The other, Fear, creates nothing but destruction in its wake.”