Part 1 - Introduction


You who are reading this have been brought here for a reason . Whether you have come upon this page happenstance or you have made a deliberate effort in seeking out answers to some of the biggest questions humanity pontificates, what you are about to read is the single most important subject for a living, breathing being to understand. It is the foundation to which a person makes choices to shape their life as well as to participate in a collective reality.

You are on a unique journey through time and space, and throughout your existence you have accumulated a vast array of experiences that have shaped your perception of reality and given you an identification of the self…what makes you… YOU. Learning this information is necessary if one is going to align one’s dreams and visions with a desired outcome.

You might be wondering, “If this information is so important, then why is it not common knowledge by now?” We will get into the reasons why as we move along, and all I ask is that you stay with your author to the very end of this series . Such information can only be understood if it is digested in its entirety.

Your author gains nothing from presenting this information, and his only hope is that it will provide some clarity, focus, and inspiration to the reader’s personal life journey. While this information is written through the author’s lens, the information itself is NOT new, and it is NOT subjective. This information is simply an expression of the Universe… what was, is, and ever shall be. What your author is writing about in this series is the foundation for his entire life and all his work . It is the KEY to humanity’s evolution, out of which ALL of our fates are entwined.


Most of the images (and overall progression) seen within this series are attributed to the works of Mark Passio. You can find his presentations freely on his website Because of Mark’s hard work and dedication to Truth, Love, and Freedom, I dedicate this series to him. I am grateful for his insistance in people using his work freely due to the importance of its nature. In my mind, he has been most effective in properly communicating this information, which is why I use it as my inspiration. It is recommended that the reader watch his entire Natural Law seminar to fully appreciate the scope of this material. Do not be dissuaded or intimidated by his approach. It is the information that matters…not so much the presenter.




The understanding and integration of this information needs to be done through both a logical and intuitive process. The information needs to be meditated upon as the reader reflects upon their own unique experiences in addition to doing personal investigative research. It requires both an open mind and an open heart.

The image above reflects a scale of “teachability,” that is, how well an individual is able to take in new information based upon their overall mentality. The reader may struggle with understanding, integrating, and actualizing this information if they enter with a mentality that is full of arrogance and rigid skepticism, and also if they enter with a mentality that is overly gullible and naïve. The reader with a balance of healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn and change will benefit the most.

A good way of looking at approaching this material is through the lens of Childlike Curiosity, where you retain your Youthful Spirit but allow yourself to be guided through wisdom from all of your experiences as an adult.

Truth vs. Perception    


Truth is everything that has happened in the past and what is happening in the present. Truth does NOT require the presence of belief, because Truth simply IS. If one were to imagine Truth as static and unchanging, indicated by the strait white lines in the image above, then it stands that our perceptions are what are constantly changing. Our perceptions are indicated by the different colored wavelengths in the image above. When we take in new data and information and properly dissect and integrate it all, we are adjusting our perceptions.

The more we align our perceptions with Truth, the more accurate we are connecting to the Universe and its functionality. Conversely, the less our perceptions align with Truth, the less accurate we are connecting to the Universe, which causes all sorts of problems.

While belief systems give us a warm, comfortable feeling about how we perceive the world around us, they can actually hinder our ability to progress and evolve towards higher states of consciousness. If we cling to a particular belief, not only do we shut ourselves from some potentially useful and important information that can aid us on our journey, we also create further division between us and our fellow humans.

What is Natural Law?


Your author’s definition would look something like this:

Natural Law is a body of non-man-made, binding, all-pervading, immutable, universal spiritual laws which govern the dynamics of consciousness and the consequences of behavior for beings who are capable of understanding the difference between right and wrong.

Other terms for Natural Law include: God’s Law, Spiritual Law, Law of Cause and Effect, Karmic Law, Moral Law, Cosmic Law, Consequentialism, and Universal Law.

Many others simply refer to it as “Common Sense.”

Natural Law does NOT in any way have anything to do with Darwinian “Survival of the fittest,” the “Law of the Jungle,” “Dog-eat-dog,” or the supposed “Natural Order” of life as western science spouts. But do not mistake Natural Law as spiritual woo-woo, for it is the most pure science that there is and can be observable if we as individuals and as a collective choose to once again tune ourselves to it.

Spiritual Integration


In order to understand Natural Law, one needs to have a mature understanding of God, Source, Creator, Great Father, or whatever one may prefer to call it. Religions all have some Truth in them, but none of them have all the answers. Through a combination of all world religions, scientific inquiry, and philisophical thought, one can much more readily create a holistic picture of how the Creator works in our evolutionary progress.

If where you are on your current path is framed around a mentality of atheism, then understanding Natural Law can still make sense from your current worldview. If you do not feel comfortable using the word “God,” then you can simply replace it with “hidden, underlying intelligence of nature.” I think we can all agree that there is indeed an underlying intelligence within nature that is much bigger than our feeble brain’s capability of fully understanding.

Spiritual is NOT the same as religious. There does not need to be any label for a spiritually mature person. A holistic, yet basic, understanding of this underlying, universal intelligence can be exemplified through the following guidelines:

  • There is no separation between the Creator and Creation; they are ONE.

  • Evidence of the Creator may be scientifically discovered and known through the observable effects of Universal Law.

  • Neither the physical nor spiritual domains take precadence over the other; in essence, they are one and the same.

  • The Universe is a place of learning and spiritual growth built upon Law for the benefit of ALL.

  • Natural Law behavioral consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress.

  • Understanding of the Creator comes largely through direct experience, of which every single person has the capability of tuning into through meditation and other means.

  • While Laws are set up to produce order, we are all gifted with Free Will to make choices; in essence, we are all co-creators of our reality through our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Natural Law’s Hidden Roots   


The word occult simply means “hidden.” By nature occult information is neutral; it is not positive or negative, good or evil. It is how people wield this information that determines the nature of this information. Just like guns are simply tools that can be used for hunting out of necessary sustenance or justifiable self-defense of one’s family, they can be used for evil deeds if put into the hands of somebody who wields them inappropriately and violently. Therefore, nobody would ever call a gun "evil."

Occult information is “hidden” because a part of our evolutionary progress involves utilizing wisdom and higher thinking to branch off from the lower, beastial thinking that other animals remain in.

Occultism is not based off blind is a pure science. It is a science that not only recognizes all the physical laws that govern our existence, but also the hidden laws. Largely through symbolism and allegory, occult science entwines the path of gaining knowledge about the self through experiential learning in harmony with the Natural Laws that shape our existence.

Occult information constitutes both the knowledge of human consciousness and how it operates, and the knowledge of Natural Law, the unseen Universal, Spiritual Laws which govern the consequences of our behavior.

Humanity’s Historical Alignment with Natural Law


Various spiritual traditions and philosophical schools throughout human history have taught and celebrated this information in different ways. But it all remains the same…this information is separate from mankind's creations. We did NOT “discover” it and we most certainly did NOT create it. It has always been there…we have simply tuned ourselves to it.

And then slowly throughout history…as a collective we have forgotten it and instead tuned ourselves to the polarizing extremes of authoritative, dogmatic belief systems and authoritative, reductionist, materialistic “science.” These polarizations have only divided us and hindered our collective spiritual evolution.

Such knowledge is not commonly known because over the course of many thousands of years, it has been deliberately hidden in order to create and maintain a power differential between those who hold that information and those who are ignorant of it.

Thankfully, through the courage, wisdom, and perseverance of many of our ancestors throughout our history, occult knowledge has successfully been preserved and handed down in the midst of persecution by those who seek to control the rest of humanity.

All of the indigenous peoples of the world know and understand Natural Law. They have passed on this information through their unique oral traditions of story-telling, but for them it is so much more: it is a way of BEING. To them it truly is common sense, and they have maintained the integrity of such information because of their strong, independent nature and their courage, all hinged on their fulfillment of promises they have made to the Creator a long time ago. Humanity as a whole would do well to listen to them, but it will take a radical shift in humility, respect, open-mindedness, and gratitude on the part of non-indigenous people.

It will take a radical shift in spiritual maturity.