Part 7 - Sovereignty


Wherever one is born on planet Earth (or anywhere in the Universe, really), one is gifted the same exact Rights as everybody else. These unalienable Rights are our birthright and nobody has more or less Rights than anybody else. No individual or group of people is capable of “granting” or “revoking” Rights from anybody else.

This world has greatly obfuscated our understanding of Rights, making it way more complicated than it needs to be. Most people do not fully understand what their Rights are as a living, breathing human being, and so they choose to allow people in positions of “authority” to govern over their entire existence.

Natural Law does not bend to anybody. Whatever condition one happens to find themselves in, whatever color skin they happen to have, whatever gender they are…Natural Law works in the exact same way.

The word “Anarchy” invokes images of chaos within people because it has been deliberately misconstrued within our language. It simply means “no rulers,” NOT “no rules.” This is the natural expression of the human being under Natural Law. Those so-called Anarchists of the world who spread violence and terrorize towns are not true Anarchists at all. A true Anarchist is somebody who understands Natural Law and morality, and who is willing to compassionately live and cooperate with others. An entire race of beings who express through Anarchy need to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature to maximize their potential…and this world has great poential to begin the process of actualizing this.



There is a big difference between the two birds in the image above. One bird is nestled inside of a cage, while the other is without a cage and perched on top of a bed of flowers from a higher position. The bird in the cage does not realize that there is an opening that they can easily crawl through, and most likely is content living in the cage knowing that it is provided for. This bird does not have to worry about any external dangers in the world outside the cage, but what it fails to understand is that it is in a cage nonetheless.

The bird perched upon the flowers has recognized that it was born with wings that were designed to allow it to fly and explore the world uninhibited. These same wings also give it the chance to escape any potential dangers as well as choose to find food sources wherever it wants. This bird is experiencing what it is like to be totally free to make its own choices, but also understands that this Freedom comes with a large amount of personal responsibility. There is nobody to shelter it or feed it, and there are both bitter and sweet aspects to the world. These are things that it must learn, but the risk of existing in the external world is well worth the Freedom.

The caged bird is akin to the average person in the world who nestles inside of their mental prison without being totally aware of the condition that they are in. Sure, they may not be in a physical cage, but the laws that they are bound by inhibit their potential to express themselves freely in the world. They have adopted an illusion that tells them if the government provides services to them, that the government must therefore be a good thing. But what the government provides to the individual can just as easily be taken away on a whim, leaving that individual helpless because of their dependence on it. Such individuals live out of a state of Fear…a Fear of both government authority as well as a Fear of experiencing total Freedom. They have given up their personal responsibility to take care of themselves, loved ones, and their community, and instead pass on the responsibility to others.

The bird outside the cage is indicative of individuals who understand Natural Law and morality. These individuals recognize that the potential for suffering exists, but they are willing to face such challenges head on with courage and conviction. They understand that they own their body, which is a physical vessel that houses their consciousness to give them a means of experiencing the world for personal growth. Having an affinity for Truth, Love, and Freedom, such individuals recognize and honor that nobody has the right to impose laws on them that take away their natural rights.

Self-ownership means that every individual owns their body and their minds. We all are responsible for our behavior, and we all must accept the consequences of our actions. Anybody who coerces another being into adopting certain practices that inhibit their body and mind’s capabilities to freely express themselves peacefully is laying claim of ownership over said individual.

Natural Law vs. Man’s Law

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The Grand Illusion of this world is born out of Fear, and that illusion is called “authority.”

Actions that are harmful are wrong-doings, and therefore, they simply cannot be delegated to other people. Even if the majority of the human population votes a person into a position of power, that still does not take away the fact that their consent has resulted in delegating rights to others that they themselves do not possess. The majority of people have fed into the illusion that it is okay if people under the banner of “authority” commit acts of violence.

Because we all are born as equals under Natural Law, there is nobody who is fit to rule over the lives of others. Whether people in positions of authority are voted in or whether they claim to have “divine rights,” there is no escaping the fact that this power is created by humans…not the Universe.

Your author prefers to use the 5 I’s to label Man’s Laws: illegitimate, irrational, irrelevant, irresponsible, and insane.

Authority is illegitimate because it seeks to defy Natural Law; it is irrational because it changes with locations and time based on the preferences of legislators; it is irrelevant because Natural Law already governs over morality and has always existed; it is irresponsible because it guides people to give up self-responsibility for themselves and their communities in place of a dominating parental figure; and it is simply insane because it causes more chaos and violence in the world than if people chose to self-govern themselves.

Leaders vs. Rulers

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There is a big difference between a ruler and a leader. Nobody would argue against having order within the world with set rules, but the illusion of authority serves as a buffer between an individual and their personal power to express themselves in the world.

A great example of a leader is Mahatma Gandhi, the renowned Indian activist who led people of India to become independent from external rule by Great Britain. He never claimed to have special rights over the people who followed him, and people chose to support him because of their respect for his character. He was also a very humble and modest individual who understood the value in simple temporal duties such as weaving clothing and doing his share of maintaining the cleanliness of his community structures.

We all have the potential to be leaders in our everyday lives. For instance, a carpentry foreman leads a crew because they have years of experience that have given them advanced knowledge and understanding to do things efficiently and correctly.

Rulers govern over people by encouraging passivity rather than action, because they want control over everything. They are perfectly willing to create laws on a whim based upon being located in one section of the land versus another section of land. People support them through a Fear-based mentality of being singled out and persecuted. People who become rulers are like thieves in the night, finding any way to stealthily enter a position of influence despite their terribly flawed character.

Voting for the “lesser of two evils” is still voting for evil. Voting at all for the designation of special rights is committing an immoral act through indirect means. Natural Law will respond in turn by allowing rulers to govern over people because of voter consent…it is simply a matter of Cause and Effect.

Taxation is Theft


A mosquito was used deliberately in the above image to illustrate the exact nature of taxation. When you walk out in nature, you will find that amid all the beautiful flowers and singing birds, there are also mosquitos that are present that do not hesitate to suck a little bit of your blood. This is the nature of duality. Even though the Universe contains elements of suffering, we can even help alleviate suffering from the pricks of mosquitos.

Taxation is the ridiculous notion that it is okay to steal a portion of the product of somebody’s labor under the banner of “providing services” for the “common good” of society. Hearkening back to the Moral Culpability section on the previous page, taxation is a way for otherwise good people to use a parental figure (government) to coerce other people into adopting their preferences that they know they cannot do themselves. Taxation is guised as an innocent and effective way to create order and prosperity within a society, but really it is an immoral scheme that robs people of their labor, and coerces them to pay for things that they do not use or need. And if they do not wish to have their money stolen to go towards things they do not use or need, they are violently thrown in a cage.

When people live together in a community, of course it is a good idea for everybody to contribute their labor equally for the benefit of all. But in order for it to be moral, it would have to be voluntary. A society can still construct roads, build schools, provide health services, and so on if everybody united one in heart and purpose voluntarily. Again, this would take a radical shift in mental, emotional, and spiritual maturity within the collective consciousness of humanity. Those individuals in such a society who take rather than give can be dealt with by the people appropriately…there is no need for authority in any self-responsible and self-governing body of people.

And although mosquitos are troublesome, there are ways to prevent them from sucking one’s blood. For those individuals who are animal lovers and dislike harming any living creature, remember that it is okay to exercise self-defense when being harmed. Since mosquitos are actively trying to harm you, you have every right to appropriately defend yourself to protect your health. But an even more effective method is to cover one's self with insect repellant or a mosquito net.



Ticks are parasites that feed off of blood just like mosquitos. But what distinguishes ticks from mosquitos is that ticks lodge themselves into one’s skin for an extended period of time. Just like any other parasite, the tick operates by stealthily clinging onto its host for as long as possible without killing the host. To kill the host would deprive the parasite of a food source. Ticks are a great mascot for the world of politics, especially concerning the topic of prohibition.

Prohibition is a method the government uses to prevent an individual from putting certain substances into their bodies. If an individual refuses to comply with such laws, then they are fined or thrown in a cage. Any action that seeks to tell an individual what they can and cannot put into their bodies is immoral. Because everybody owns their body and their mind, this is a clear violation of Natural Law. Enforcing such laws is laying claim to ownership over another person’s body and mind, which is called slavery.

It does not matter if the substance is a plant growing wild out in nature or a toxic concoction of synthetic chemicals…what somebody wishes to put into their body is their choice. There are clear effects one will have in putting certain substances in their body and one could recommend that such a choice is not a good idea…but nobody has the right to prevent another from doing what they want with their body. If somebody were to commit a harmful and irresponsible act while under the influence of a particular substance, however, then that person should absolutely be held responsible.

In a way ticks claim ownership of one’s body because of their insistence in sucking blood over a long period of time. They are stealthy about it because they would be cast away if they were discovered.

Licensing and Permits

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A gatekeeper is somebody who presides over the actions of others by giving passage only to those that they want. Much like the classic troll that lives under a bridge and forces individuals to answer a riddle before crossing a bridge, licenses and permits act in a similar way.

Licenses and permits is a method government uses to prevent people from exercising certain behaviors even if those behaviors do not result in the harm of other beings. Unless an individual begs them in the form of petitions or money, such behaviors must first be authorized by those who are essentially playing God. The government through this process twists natural Rights into being “privileges” that can be granted or revoked based upon the whims of legislators. This is no different than a bully making one cough up their lunch money in return for being able to sit in the cafeteria.

This is seen in all aspects of society as people are treated like cattle rather than unique, divine human beings. City ordinances are built upon the fabric of sociological coercion, giving people limited choice in how they can express themselves on their own property which they own. Needing permits to forage for food in natural areas is a mockery of our ancestral roots.

Instead of complying with the troll’s demand to answer a riddle to simple travel freely, a group effort on behalf of humanity is required to change the false-notion that authority is needed. It would require a massive shift in human consciousness where everybody actualizes their sovereign nature through self-responsibility and self-governance. Bullies in the form of government are no different than the classic bully found within schools.