
Welcome to our Natural Law series!

What you learn in the Natural Law series is the groundwork for engaging in positive solutions in your community and your personal life.

Here is a list of the main aspects of Natural Law, but it is reccomended to read the entire series all the way through:


  • Natural Law is a body of non-man-made, binding, all-pervading, immutable, universal spiritual laws which govern the dynamics of consciousness and the consequences of behavior for beings who are capable of understanding the difference between right and wrong.
  • It is composed of seven principles that apply everywhere in the Universe at all times, of which many other laws can be drawn from: Law of Mentalism, Law of Correspondence, Law of Vibration, Law of Polarity, Law of Rhythm, Law of Cause and Effect, and Law of Gender.
  • There is a difference between Truth and Perception.
  • Consciousness is the ability to recognize patterns within one’s self and their environment.
  • The nature of consciousness is three-fold: Mind-Body-Spirit (also known as the Divine Father, Divine Child, and Divine Mother), which are symbolic of our thoughts (Father), emotions (Mother), and actions (Child).
  • Our brain, heart, and gut are all physical components of our consciousness.
  • Our brain comprises three distinct structures: the Reptile Brain (R-Complex), the Mammalian Brain (Limbic System), and Human Brain (Neocortex).
  • Our Neocortex has two equal-sized brain hemispheres: the left-hemisphere (logic and reason), and the right-hemisphere (intuition and creativity) that must operate in balance.
  • Our brains are like computers, and when we become imbalanced in the way we express ourselves, it is because of our consciousness not functioning as properly intended.
  • There are three realms of existence for our consciousness: Mental Planes, Spiritual (or Etheric) Planes, and Material Planes.
  • We all have creative power to manifest physical reality by working with energy.
  • We can only tune into a small bandwidth of the entire light spectrum with our physical senses, but we can tune into more with “hidden” senses.
  • All the Universe is music, and each of us contributes our energy in a way that is akin to an orchestra.
  • Magic is the science and art of working with universal energy to influence change in one’s environment in accordance to one’s will. The three components of magic are: Imagination, Intentions (heart energy), and Will.
  • Green is the color of balance, while red and blue create a schism in our consciousness.
  • Love and Fear are the two opposing forces of the Universe. Fear is an illusion, and Love is what holds everything together.
  • Objective Morality does exist. A right is any behavior that does no harm to another sentient being, while a wrong is any behavior that does result in harm to another sentient being.
  • Both men and women have both Masculine and Feminine energy that are expressed in varying degrees and expressions.
  • Man’s Law is in opposition to Natural Law; Man’s Law is either redundant because Natural Law already exists or immoral because it infringes on the self-ownership of one’s body and mind.
  • There is a difference between leaders and rulers: rulers claim special rights while leaders do not.
  • Because humanity has not been aligned with Natural Law as a whole, the concepts of governmental systems, religious systems, and monetary systems have manifested to replace our natural evolution and create division and power differentials.
  • Every human possesses the gift of Free Will, and we all have the potential to express good or bad behavior with the culmination of consequences.