How is Unconditional Basic Income in alignment with the three ROOTS of the Tree of Life…?


Ensuring that each individual in a society obtains the very best healthcare, education, and food is an absolute necessity to maintain a harmonious state of being on our planet and with one another.

When people are sick, impoverished, and uneducated, they are not able to make the best decisions for themselves and society. This is very clear within our present world. When one person is neglected, there is a higher chance for instability within a community. Stress is not good for the body or mind, and people are more prone to act uncivilized when under a state of desperation.

When we give each individual the very best chance to experience the world as healthy as possible, we are giving the human race the very best chance to strive towards a utopian vision.

In terms of Natural Law, taking care of one another is not a matter of charity, but rather, a matter of societal stability.


Treat others the way that you want to be treated.

This is the cornerstone of morality, and the simplest way to understand the basic desire of anybody who has the capacity to experience empathy. By ensuring that every single person receives the very best healthcare, education, and food…we are exhibiting the highest of virtues.

One could say that this is charity, but it may be more appropriate to call this community-wellbeing under the principles of mutualism.

When we as individuals and as a community come together to set a foundation of health and wellness, we are creating a safe community for all of us to live in. The healthier an individual is, the more they can reciprocate the taking care of other people in a community.

The stronger the individual, the stronger the human race.