Traditional Ecological Knowledge
What is Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)?
TEK is a cumulative body of knowledge and beliefs, handed down through generations by cultural transmission, about the relationships of living beings with one another and with their environment. These are gained through the teaching of family history and cultural values.
Questions any person who observes and interacts with the natural world should ask to better understand ecological dynamics include topics such as:
Why do cloud types form the way that they do?
How are bird, whale, and other species’ migration patterns changing in regards to our planet’s energetic sphere?
How do salmon spawning routes compare to previous years?
What do climate changes have to do with planetary consciousness shifts?
What can trees teach us about historical events based upon the way they are growing?

There is a delicate balance between Light energy and Dark energy within the Universe that is in constant flux.
The convergence of night and day during dusk and dawn is regarded as the universal period of balance, where animals change shifts…and this energetic shift is palpable.
The four seasons are a vivid example of the continuous renewal and rebirth of the Universe.
Because humans have the gift of higher consciousness, we have greater power in shifting this balance in either direction.
When humans emanate Dark energy in the form of hate, anger, resentment, envy, etc., over time our planet as the governing body of this energetic system will manifest lifeforms that represent this Dark energy.
This results in ecosystem imbalances, and on a supernatural level, Dark spirits manifest as living beings in twisted, unnatural forms that emanate evil (Wendigo, Werewolves).

When understanding nature’s machinations, it is imperative to look from different lenses.
One of these lenses is through the perspective of entities and forces that are parallel with our dimension. Such entities are a natural part of cosmic consciousness and are always present around us even though we cannot see them with the physical senses.
A great example of TEK is the existence of “fairy rings,” which pop up around the world in the form of mushrooms growing in a circle, often accompanied by dead plant matter.
How and why this occurs can only be understood when accepting the existence of spiritual, energetic dynamics, and the implications of this realty in our everyday existence.
While science is linear and objective in understanding the natural world, TEK takes a non-linear, holistic path based largely upon intuition.
It sees an interconnection with all living beings, influencing each other in ways far beyond our limited perception.
While one person is a pocket of consciousness as a splinter of divine Source, humanity as a a whole is a conglomerate of pocket consciousnesses that act as one singular body.
This body of consciousness is tied to our planet’s body of consciousness, with all the plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria acting as splinters of our planet’s personality.
Thus, we are all fragments of Mother Earth’s personality sharing a space like neurons within a singular body.

Have you ever heard the phrase “Everywhere in nature there is a plant that is toxic, nearby there is also a plant that is healing of this toxin”?
This reality is a reflection of the dynamics of Creation. While there are harmful aspects of nature embedded within the fabric of existence, by universal law there must be a counter-force to keep balance.
The rose is a beautiful, poetic depiction of this force manifest.
Only by staying connected to God within have our ancestors learned where to find plants to help in our evolution, usually coming in the form of dreams, intuitive epiphanies, or shamanic experiences.

Animal Archetypes and Totems
Here is a list of the most common animal totems, which is a system one could use to better understand the human relationship to animals. When encountering animals in the wild, one could see them as signs the Universe is showing to them to help them improve upon themselves and their circumstances.
This list is by no means complete, but think of animals as representing a specific Archetype within Creation. Other animals can fill these particular categories because they have similar qualities as the ones listed here.
Use your own discernment when analyzing an animal’s presence in your life, as only you can know for sure what the Universe is trying to tell you. But this list can serve as a baseline example for how to see these signs.
Tune to higher frequencies
Establish rhythm and harmony in your life
Engage your creative side, but also work with others
Purification of one’s environment
Be aware of suspicious people or circumstances
Let universal forces carry you
Social services