What is Plant Medicine?

Entheogens are psychoactive substances (e.g., ayahuasca, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms) which are used in a mystical or shamanic context to enhance healing, transcendence, revelation, meditation, and psychedelic therapy.

Herbs and Spices are plants that are used for culinary purposes which not only enhance the taste of dishes, but give our cells a boost in healing our body and facilitating stronger overall function.

Tuning to higher frequencies

Entheogens stimulate the mind in such a way to allow us to tune our frequency much like a radio dial so we can perceive and interact with divine forces and spirits.

These will be a staple in the next world where everybody will have a mature understanding and appreciation for such medicinal substances, to further elicit spiritual growth and global community.

They were put here for a reason, and the divine wants us to use them responsibly so we can open up channels in our consciousness for divine inspiration, healing, empowerment, and spiritual direction.

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Herbs and Spices

While Entheogens enhance our spiritual growth, Herbs and Spices enhance our body’s harmony.

Each Herb and Spice has unique properties that serve a particular function in our body’s health, and there is wisdom in understanding that our body is just as important as our spirit in interacting with the physical realm.

They give our cells optimum conditions to fight infections and facilitate a stronger mind-body-spirit connection, giving us an ideal internal environment to heal and transform our external environment.

Healing Mental Disorders and Diseases

The next world will take great effort in ensuring the mental, emotional, physical, AND spiritual well-being of every single person is given special attention.

Plant Medicine is a gift bestowed to us by Divine Will to heal, restore, and replenish our mind-body-spirit. nobody should ever have to experience crippling depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders when such medicine is freely available.

Such medicine will be cherished and respected, and backed by the altruistic desire by all people to take care of their brother and sister.


How are Entheogens in alignment with the three ROOTS of the Tree of Life…?


As sovereign beings, we own our bodies. Therefore, nobody can tell us what we can and cannot put into our own bodies, nor can they prohibit us from gathering or growing plants or mushrooms. Nobody else is responsible for what we choose to put into our bodies, but each and every one of us is responsible for our actions when we imbibe things that can alter our behavior.

The act of consuming a psychoactive compound is absolutely in accordance with Natural Law, but we must hold ourselves and others accountable if harm is done to others because of a psychoactive substance. Nobody should ever be punished for the potential of harming another sentient being, but only for the act itself if it actually manifests.

Many plants and mushrooms that have psychoactive properties have been proven to heal people physically and/or mentally, which makes outlawing them with Man’s Laws even more immoral.


While physical evolution on our planet functions in a way that seems overly competitive, there is a deeper layer that guides the life of this planet intuitively, through Spirit. Mother Earth gives birth to a rich diversity of lifeforms that function as a part of the whole.

One way to view the metaphysical nature of this realm that is embedded on the physical planet is such that Mother Earth wants to not only perpetuate a harmonious system, but to give Free Will to all her children with the hope that a species would spiritually evolve into higher consciousness to the point where they are able to leave the planet and explore the galaxy, much like on a micro-level a plant wishes to disperse its seed.

And this is why plants and mushrooms with psychoactive proerpties exist. Not only do they help to form new neural pathways, they help to align ourselves to Spirit.

On a spiritual level, one could say that the Spirit of our planet loves us, and she wishes us to be emissaries of her personality to bring her Love to the wider universe. The reason for our higher sentience and the existence of entheogens is because she wishes us to evolve spiritually and leave to explore the rest of the Universe, much like a mother would gently nudge her child out of the house so they could live out their dreams in the world.

Mother Earth wants us to evolve properly, but this artificial system that is overlaid with her natural system is incompatible. If we are going to evolve to greater consciousness with endless possibilities that the rest of the Universe provides, then we are going to have to finish our schooling properly, and it all starts with the understanding of Mother Earth’s biggest secret:

Our gift of Free Will to evolve as we please must be balanced by the responsibility of greater consciousness, but it is only Love that will allow her Spirit to guide us to carry out the Will of her desire: to carry her Love (Seed of Life) to be shared freely with the rest of the Universe, in exchange for her rich nectar (higher consciousness).


Indigenous peoples of the world have long known that entheogens aid with the dissolving of our Ego, the integration of our Higher Selves, and the assimilation of ourselves within the greater Universe. Shamans are revered within communities for the role they play in facilitating communication with Spirit, and the American Indian “Vision Quest” is a big part of what awakes one to their highest potential and purpose.

It is widely understood among indigenous communities that entheogens are what spark new ideas, guide communities to discover medicinal plants, and even predict future outcomes. There is an intelligence within entheogens that is greater than us. There are spirits within entheogens that serve as guides for our consciousness and souls.

Those who have tread on the spiritual journey with the aid of entheogens will understand the power that these substances have. For those who are mature enough in their personal evolution, going on such a journey awakens the mind to the inter-connectedness of all Life. There is no separation from us, our fellow humans, plants, animals, our planet, and all the Universe. Such separation is an illusion that is continually fed by our egos.

Entheogens break down these cultural barriers we place in front of our eyes, and helps us to see through our Mind’s Eye, or Third Eye. If imbibed responsibly when one is mature enough in their development, entheogens provide a catalyst for personal growth

What is common among people who have found a healthy relationship to such plants and mushrooms is that they become more compassionate, understanding, and open-minded to different perspectives. Collectively, such a healthy mentality allows us to live more harmoniously with one another and our planet.