Free Energy
What is Free Energy?
Free Energy is a no-cost, pollution-free, unlimited source of energy that can be harnessed from the zero-point field of the Universe.
You better believe it is real
Free Energy has been a reality for humanity for several decades now. Sadly, it has been suppressed by government agencies because it would ultimately liberate humanity from the scarcity paradigm that they are perpetuating to keep humanity in a constant state of fear and anxiety.
Why? When people are in a state of fear and anxiety…they are easily controlled. This is a conspiracy that is based in Truth, and it is devastating how most people won’t listen to those who understand this.
The physics that is embedded in the Mainstream is primitive compared to how the Universe actually works. The devices that have been created by people focus on electro-magnetism, and these very devices become confiscated before the public knows that they exist.
Free Energy is the next step in our evolution, and will most certainly manifest in the next world when humanity is ready to accept the responsibility of harnessing it.
Effects on the human psyche
People would no longer have to spend most of their time and energy on food production or working menial jobs.
This would create less stress, and people would be able to devote more time end energy strengthening their connection to God.
The amount of energy one of these devices could produce on their own would make everybody’s life more comfortable in general.
Effects on the planet
This would eliminate pollution, remove the need for excessive mining, allow us to desalinate sea-water so everyone has easy access to fresh water, allow us to stop using wood as a main material, allow us to easily control internal temperatures and light levels, and make food production so abundant the very notion of scarcity would seem like a distant memory.
Effects on civilization
There would be no notion of “carbon footprint” because combustion as a means of energy would be obsolete, there would be no wars because of so much abundance, no more class systems, religions, elites, criminals, and mentally ill people.
Free Energy would solve all these issues as long as humanity also had an understanding of Natural Law and was spiritually mature.
Also, there would be no need for dense cities, allowing us to live in small villages while still being technologically advanced and connected on a deep level.
How is Free Energy in alignment with the three ROOTS of the Tree of Life…?
Such technology will revolutionize the way we interact with one another and our planet. By keeping our planet healthy , we are maximizing our chances at evolving towards higher potential because we are aligning ourselves to the Universe’s Will . We would be minimizing our footprint on the planet causing the least amount of damage as possible.
While Free Energy will be the greatest step in the history of our evolution , it must be used responsibly . Before humankind can properly use such technology, a firm understanding and practice of Natural Law needs to be set up in society . This technology is deliberately kept hidden from the majority of humanity, but it is our right to use for the benefit of us and our whole planet.
It is NOT OK that this technology is kept hidden by a small minority of humanity when it could benefit us so drastically. It is our RIGHT to have access to such technology, but we all must first understand the illegitimacy of authority. Such technology does NOT belong in the hands of the belongs to ALL of us. But WE must take it into our own hands rather than plead for governments to do it for us...because they won't.
Having such freedom and empowerment from Free Energy technology gives us the means to evolve closer and closer to a Utopian vision for our world.
Such technology will put us in a position where we are no longer just surviving like our animal cousins; we are now in a position to thrive like never before! We will have more time that we could dedicate to develop a closer connection within communities as one human family. No longer will we be bound by economic poverty or nature’s demand for survival.
This technology, coupled with compassion and empathy, will allow us to freely share our gifts and abilities in a way like never seen before. Our capacity to create will increase, and we will enter a new era of kindness and giving.
Free Energy technology allows us the freedom and empowerment of being able to run our entire society while reducing our impact on the planet drastically . This means fewer natural resources are plundered, and non-renewable resources such as oil does not need to burned.
Additionally, technology such as solar panels and windmills , while not technically “free,” allow us to honor the elements by harvesting energy from the air and sun . These elements allow us to live , and it is perfectly natural to use them to aid in our evolution!
Through the use of Solar, Wind, Hydro, and Bio Energy technology, we are aligning ourselves to the elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. These elements are embedded within our consciousness, and our respect for these elements within are a reflection of our respect of them outside of us.
We are dependent on these elements for our vitality, and so choosing to harness energy from them is the right step in our evolution.