What is Biomimicry?

According to The Biomimicry Institute, biomimicry is

the practice of looking to nature for inspiration to solve design problems in a regenerative way.”

Working WITH nature rather than against it.

In the next world we will work alongside nature rather than exploiting it and corrupting it. It will come with a mature understanding of the inter-connection of all Life, realizing that when we hurt our planet, we hurt ourselves.

Nature has established a model that works flawlessly, and when we tap into these sophisticated design elements down to the most precise mathematical ratios, our future is full of endless possibilities.

If the technology we create does not serve our spiritual evolution or align with nature’s principles, then we shouldn’t be creating it!

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Using nature as a teacher as Mother intends it.

There is no more hiding from the fact that Spirit is embedded in the fabric of all Creation, and that Mother Earth is a gentle, understanding, empathetic, and patient teacher to all of us as her children.

Mother sees things from a higher perspective—where we are going, what choices will benefit us most, and ultimately what is best for our evolution—so we must humble ourselves before her with deep gratitude for giving us everything that we need to establish a global community entwined with her the intelligence of her heart.

Solving all of our structural challenges.

We do not have any problems to face in creating our infrastructure…but rather challenges to overcome.

Biomimicry can be applied to ALL aspects of society, solving challenges in the materials we use, the engineering equations we calculate, and the tools we build to create a harmonious world that is safe, efficient, and inclusive.

And we can have fun along the way as we dive deep into the inner-workings of our reality and decipher that which keeps our cyclical, regenerative world running!

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How is Biomimicry in alignment with the three ROOTS of the Tree of Life…?


Just like there is a differentiation between Man’s Law and Natural Law , there is a stark contrast between Man’s Will and Natural Will . The Universe has a very complex and sophisticated formula for the evolution of organic life, with each organism having unique traits to suit its niche in an ecosystem.

These traits have been crafted by an intelligence that is far beyond our capacity to imagine , and have taken thousands, millions, and even billions of years to evolve in such a way that is perfectly in tune with ecological surroundings.

Rather than create things molded from our own limited imagination, biomimicry demonstrates to us that nature is our greatest teacher, and the answer to all of our problems rests within the sophisticated code embedded with all organic life around us.

Nature has already figured out the solutions to all potential problems…we just need to align ourselves to it!


Because Biomimicry is the study and practice of using nature as our inspiration for our designs and creations , we are essentially forming a deep, personal bond with our planet as a whole . Rather than being guided completely by our own egos , we are choosing to align ourselves with the Will of our planet.

The Will of our planet is to live in perpetual ecological harmony , and it is our goal to live in such a way to maintain this balance . By using nature as our teacher and guide (Mother Earth) , we are choosing to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with our planet.

While Mother Earth gives us everything we need to adapt and thrive for optimum health and well-being, in return we are helping her by aligning ourselves with the deep mechanisms of nature for the purpose of evolving to a state of higher consciousness.

Every Mother wants to see her children be happy, healthy, loving, and resilient. For us, and so we can better take care of them.


Why would we create things as if we are separate from nature? Nature creates things in a certain way because it is a vast intelligence that is greater than our own consciousness. The new model of human evolution is based upon awareness and mindfullness : of ourselves, our planet, and all other organisms we share this planet with.

The simplest of human inventions such as the oar of a boat or canoo was crafted out of common sense and an acute awareness of nature's designs. Nature uses the flat and elongated shape of fins for organisms who live in water, so naturally, it is the perfect design for us to use in water navigation.