Step 3 - Engage with Intentional Communities
Fellowship for Intentional Community
The Fellowship for Intentional Community connects all the intentional communities, ecovillages, cohousing, communes, and student co-ops into one global network. You can find such communities with their map and learn about ways to get involved. They also have a magazine that is rich in beautiful, positive solutions and a bookstore to help you learn all about community dynamics. Their website is a treasure-trove of information and is absolutely worth exploring!
Global Ecovillage Network
The Global Ecovillage Network contains a solutions library that is meant to empower and inspire people to focus on all the beautiful things that are happening all around the world. They link together networks of ecovillages by regions all across the world, creating a bridge between different cultures. With plenty of information on how to get involved, you will certainly know that you have the power to make a difference in your own community!