Step 2 - Preserve Indigenous Culture, Wisdom, and Sovereignty

Indigenous Maps

Native Land Map

This is a website that is run by Victor G Temprano and his company Mapster. He has put together a map of native lands using a variety of resources, giving us a vision of what the world would have looked like before the expansion of colonialism. While it is impossible to find 100% accuracy while respecting all the histories, treaties, and cultures of each native nation, it does provide a glimpse into indigenous sovereignty that can be used for educational purposes. You can find information on all the nations’ territories, languages, and treaties listed in the map on his resources page.

Tribal Nations Maps

This website was put together through arduous effort by one native and provides a detailed map of Native American nations by their own names and locations. The website has a wealth of detailed information about each tribal nation’s histories, and provides a foundation for non-natives to engage with native culture, wisdom, and sovereignty.

Landmark Interactive Map

Through a partnership of indigenous coalitions and land rights and research organizations, Landmark provides an interactive map that shows with great detail indigenous lands as well as issues they face. Always a work in progress, this platform provides a great avenue for connecting the world together.

How to Support Indigenous Peoples

Here is a list of some articles to get you started in finding ways to support indigenous peoples. There are many organizations involved with different goals and projects, and it is encouraged for you to do a little research: